What's New In 9

Here you can find information about what's included in the current release.

Big thanks to @axunonb, @eferfolja, @FelipePergher, @jensbrak, @jfaquinojr, @MehranDHN, @raziee and @tfritzke for their contributions and all of the people who has helped with translating the manager.


  • Add Index, NoIndex and Follow to page/post settings #1000
  • Add possibility to set configuration on Regions & Fields #1233
  • Add ColorField #1302
  • Specify allowed blocks by content type #1318
  • Update package dependencies #1319
  • Drop old application setup extension methods #1323
  • Provide generic content structure #1335
  • Add NewtonSoft SerializerSettings globally in startup when PiranhaManager is present #1354
  • Upgrade to .NET 5 #1400
  • Add support for connection pooling #1428
  • Add null checks in IMediaHelper for deleted images #1462
  • Culture specific characters for Slovenian #1479
  • Unescaped hash "#" in media filename #1478
  • Warning messages from EF Core #1490
  • Add hooks for content #1511
  • Add pt-BR special characters to slugs #1520
  • ifferentiate models for page & post comments #1525


  • PrimaryImage & Excerpt taking too much space #1290
  • Route update in manager for .NET 5 #1324
  • Indesired elements with TinyMCE 5.0.3 #1379
  • Upgrade to TinyMCE 5.6.2 #1427
  • Add RTL Layout support #1449
  • Add quick buttons in manager to expand/collapse all pages in all sitemaps #1460
  • Config option for outlining blocks in the manager #1489
  • Add support for editor width on regions and blocks #1514


  • ContentId of Comments not set in OnAfterSave hook #1338
  • CommentCount should only look at approved comments #1346
  • OnValidate hook not properly attached #1347
  • Duplicate slugs give an internal server error. #1369
  • Update Open Graph tag rendering #1373
  • Dragging media folder into itself make it disappear #1409
  • Unable to clear Post tags #1411
  • InitManager isn't called for fields in blocks #1420
  • Meta-tags are render incorrectly #1421
  • When creating new Site, the Language doesn't load the Default language. #1429
  • MarkdownField not working properly in List Region #1486
  • Custom view/component for BlockGroup is not supported in the current state of ContentTypeService #1498
  • Select2 and remote data throwing error, jQuery slim doesn't include ajax(). #1506

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Håkan Edling
Håkan Edling - Sunday, May 2, 2021

Awesome to see that the project is up and running! Now maybe it's time to start customizing it to your needs. You can find a lot of information in the official docs.